

Типологические особенности функционального состояния центральной нервной системы и высшей нервной деятельности квалифицированных хоккеистов (0.31 Mb, pdf) Read
Лактионова Тамара Ивановна
Кротиков Никита Вадимович

The diagnostic survey has been conducted on 13 parameters featuring the functional state of the central nervous system and higher nervous activity of 50 skilled hockey players. Based on the analysis of data obtained with the Q-technology analysis of the main components, three psychophysiological types of hockey players have been identified. Type 1 is characterized by the high speed of complex selection reaction, low accuracy of reaction to moving objects, high mobility of nervous processes, reduced level of stress resistance, sympathicotonic type of the functions regulation. Type 2 is characterized by the high level of stress-resistance, average level of all other indicators, normotonic type of the functions regulation. Type 3 is characterized by the decreased rate of complex reactions, high accuracy of reactions to moving objects, average mobility of nervous processes, increased level of stress resistance, vagotonic type of the functions regulation.

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