

Influence of the methodology of psychophysiological complex training on effectiveness of attack hits executed by qualified volleyball players (0.3 Mb, pdf) Read
Данилова Галина Рауфовна

The purpose is to identify the impact of the application of the methods of psychophysiological complex training with the use of hardware and software systems on the effectiveness of attack hits executed by qualified volleyball players. Methods and organization. In this study, the following methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical experiment, hardware and software, expert analysis, mathematical statistics. The study covered 11 "Academy-Kazan" volleyball team members (aged 18-25 years) performing at the Russian championship in the «A» higher league. Results. We implemented the methods of psychophysiological complex training with the use of «Neuro Tracker» and «Dynavision» hardware-software complexes into training process of highly qualified volleyball players. It was focused on development of peripheral vision and reaction speed. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, we analyzed the studied indicators. The positive changes were revealed for all indicators, considering that the obtained results were statistically reliable. We also assessed the performance of individual technical and tactical actions by the players, and received positive and accurate result statistics. Conclusion. We implemented our proper methods of psychophysiological complex training with the use of hardware and software complexes into the training process of highly skilled volleyball players. The outcomes showed significant positive changes in such indicators as peripheral vision and reaction speed. Positive changes in the studied indicators were reflected in the effectiveness of the individual technical and tactical actions of players, and especially in such complicated technical playing element as the attack hit. All this proves the effectiveness of our psychophysiological complex training with the use of hardware and software systems.

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