In article three forms of the organization of collaboration of trainers of DYuSSh with the same contingent taking into account their professional readiness in the field of a certain type of track and field athletics exercises of such interaction taking into account stages of long-term sports preparation are considered: "trainer and teacher of physical culture"; "trainers of various track and field athletics specialization"; "the trainers of one track and field athletics specialization differing with the level of professional skill". It is noted that at the organization of such interaction of trainers among themselves in the course of work with young athletes conditions are created for: rational distribution of creative professional potential of each trainer taking into account his individual originality; interchange and mutual enrichment of pedagogical experience of each trainer; for collective impact of all trainers on formation of the identity of each pupil. In article indicators of social and psychological climate of group of trainers, and also subjective appeal of trainer's work in DYuSSh taking into account forms of its organization, the level of the valuable and orientation unity (VOU) of pedagogical groups of coaches of offices of track and field athletics and swimming are considered. Functional and role differentiation of trainers of DYuSSh within brigade forms of work, as one of perspective ways of overcoming of difficulties of target, substantial and procedural ensuring educational and training activity of pupils of DYuSSh at various stages of long-term preparation. The most effective (and therefore – desirable) for the solution of a problem of preparation of a potential sports reserve is association in team of two trainers of high qualification, but significantly differing among themselves on track and field athletics specialization. The integrated assessment of social and psychological climate in office of track and field athletics is much higher, than in office of swimming. The general assessment of subjective appeal of work in office of track and field athletics is significantly higher. Higher level of valuable and orientation unity of coaches of office of track and field athletics is caused by that, working in common in crews, they enter closer interpersonal relations in the course of which there is more intensive rapprochement of their living positions and valuable orientations.
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