

Investigation of physical fitness indicators of students in military educational institutions for frontier defense as a prerequisite for effective optimization of their professionally applicable physical training (0.31 Mb, pdf) Read
Еliseev Sergey Aleksandrovich
Konovalov Igor Eugenievich

Purpose: Investigation of physical fitness indicators of students aimed at determination of ways of effective optimization of educational process in «Physical training» course, through implementation of professionally applicable means of training. Methods. In our paper, we used the following research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and educational literature, pedagogical experiment, testing, and mathematical statistics. Results. The classes were held in the experimental group considering optimization of the organization and content of the educational process in the framework of «Physical training» course throughout the academic year. Optimization of the educational process was carried out, taking into account three main directions: orientation of the classes, extension of means used for the classes, variability of the forms of classes. At the beginning and at the end of the study, physical fitness indicators were tested in the control and experimental groups with the use of six tests. At the end of the experiment, the analysis of physical fitness performance was carried out. It was demonstrated that during research period, students of the experimental group significantly increased the results in all studied indicators, at the same time the relative growth rates of all indicators of experimental group of students were higher than those of control group of students. Conclusion. Both control and experimental groups showed growth of all investigated parameters over the experiment period: run 100 m - KG – 1.23%; EG – 3.44%; pulling on a high crossbar - KG – 10,03%; EG – 32.82%; torso inclination - KG – 8.91%; EG – 38.17%; shuttle run 10x10 m - KG – 0.70%; EG – 4.06%; lifting legs to the crossbar - KG – 2.04%; EG – 8.16%; run 3 km - KG – 0.46%, EG – 1.24%. All of the above demonstrates high efficiency of our proposed optimization of the educational process in «Physical training» course.

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