

Healthy lifestyles students in physical education: state of the issue and solutions (2.02 Mb, pdf) Read
Дудко Михаил Валериевич
Футорный Сергей Михайлович

Study of the current state of physical education university students demonstrate the need for its modernization, based on the introduction and active use of innovative technologies for the formation of healthy lifestyle of students. Analysis and interpretation of factual material ascertaining experiment allowed to substantiate and develop the concept of a healthy lifestyle of students in physical education using innovative technologies. The proposed concept includes theoretical and practical component. The theoretical component ofthe concept includes a background of the health-activities (socio-educational, personal, biological), conceptual approaches that led to the content side of the concept and to determine the procedural peculiarities of its construction (dialectical, personal, axiological, activity, synergy, socio-cultural, system) that as the basis of goals, objectives, principles and modalities for its implementation. The practical component includes components of the concept in the practice of physical education students in higher education and consists of a base model to create an information microenvironment (standard, diagnostic, educational and training modules), the step of the algorithm implementation of innovative technologies and performance criteria (cognitive-cognitive, motivational-need and functional-adaptive groups). The findings reveal the possibility of a new scientific field, involving the use of innovative technology and promising approaches of a healthy lifestyle in the course of physical training of students of higher educational institutions.

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