

Morfo-genetic markers of high-speed qualities in practice give the forecast of selection (0.31 Mb, pdf) Read
Сафарова Дильбар Джамаловна
Газиева Зебо Юсупжановна
Гулямов Нариман Гулямович

In work the comparative estimation of physical development and genetipations the status of the sportsmen specialising in high-speed kinds of sports is spent. Researches are spent on genetically homogeneous sample of 248 sportsmen representing high-speed kinds of sports as track and field athletics (sprint), swimming (short distances), cycling. In surveyed sample of sportsmen 2 categories prepotent somatotip are established. For ecto-mezomorphic and endo-mezomorphic types distinctions on х2 on following subloci of complex HLA are revealed: А3 - х2 = 9,421, А19 - х2 =4,855, В8 - х2 = 6,696, CW3 - х2 = 5,113. Practical absence of antigene HLA-Cw6 at sportsmen concerning control group allows to consider Gw6 as the negative marker predicting raised level of high-speed qualities.


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