

Use of modern information technologies in teaching foreign languages (0.25 Mb, pdf) Read
Волчкова Венера Ильдусовна

In this article, the relevance of the use of modern information technologies in the practice of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic institution is considered. According to the author, the use of information technology is an important component of the learning process. Purpose: to study the experience of using information technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language to students in a non-linguistic university. Results. The advantages and disadvantages of modern computer technologies are characterized. The experience of using computer technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language to students in a non-linguistic institution is described. It is pointed out that the experience of using modern technologies in the process of studying a foreign language makes it easier for students and creates a familiar environment for them. They help to overcome the language barrier and psychological complexes of students. Thanks to multimedia resources, the study of a foreign language can be carried out beyond the limits of a practical lesson and make it continuous. The latest achievements in the field of information technologies provide a unique opportunity to obtain a more extensive informative base on the subject "Foreign Language", and also provide an opportunity to reveal the creative potential of students, which makes the learning process of foreign languages interactive, entertaining and productive.

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