Purpose of research – to identify the sport sponsorship objects in Russia and study the requirements of various objects to the sport sponsorship effectiveness.
Methods and organization of the research. The main methods used in this research are content analysis, study of theoretical research and analysis of practical cases. The sources of information were reporting and analytical materials, interviews with experts and marketers in the field of sport sponsorship, research of marketing agencies, reports of federations, leagues and clubs, reports of consulting companies, websites of these companies.
Research results. The analysis of literary sources as well as the research of Russian market of sport sponsorship, marketing agencies and companies sponsoring Russian sports revealed the main features of the sport sponsorship effectiveness in Russia.
Conclusion. The authors highlighted he main requirements for measuring the sport sponsorship effectiveness for various venues in Russia, as a marketing product in sports and as a marketing promotion channel for brands that use sports in their positioning in the Russian market. Understanding these characteristics of sponsorship in Russian sports will provide both sports and businesses an opportunity to exploit their existing potential in a more effective manner.
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