

Martykanova Dilyara Safovna
Zemlenukhin Ilya Andreevich
Davletova Nailya Khanifovna
Akhatov Azat Munirovich
Kamaldinova Dilyara Kamilevna

The purpose of the study is to identify recent issues of skin infectious diseases (SID) in contact sports.

Methods and organization of the research: data collection and analysis of literature sources, description, comparison and generalization of data published during the period from 1981 to November 2020.

Results and discussion. The research revealed that the number of articles on the subject has increased seven-fold in that period. The majority of articles (36%) provide information on the etiology of SID in contact sports. The articles identify the most common infections among athletes involved in contact sports.

Conclusion. The data shows that the SID problem in athletes involved in contact sports is very relevant. The issues of personal hygiene, as well as sanitary and hygienic regulations for contact sports acquire greater prominence.

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