Сафарова Дильбар Джамаловна
Пулатова Мавлюды Джалаловна
Султанова Юлдуз Алиевна

Inspection of highly skilled judoists of national teams of R. Uzbekistan being members is spent. Surveyed sportswomen at the age of 19-24 years, had sports qualifications from 1 category to the master of sports of the international class, the sports experience from 5 till 10 years. In work for an estimation of a functional condition of the qualified judoists individual monitoring of indicators of haemodynamics in reply to loadings of various capacity is carried out. Definition of physical working capacity and МПК was made by means of functional tests PWC - 170 by Каrрmen. In work the attention is paid to an individualization principle as indicators of each sportswoman taking into account their weight category were separately analyzed. On the basis of the studied interrelations of indicators of haemodynamics with display of physical working capacity are revealed most integrativ indicators High working capacity and a functional condition of judoists of various weight categories in the course of a training cycle which can be used for rationing of training loadings and correction of training programs.

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