

Nature of change of parameters of loading in bodybuilding at preparation stage specialized basic depending on features of the modes of training (0.48 Mb, pdf) Read
Славитяк Олег Станиславович

In work results of researches which purpose is studying of features of influence of various modes of training on character and level of change of parameters of loading in bodybuilding at a stage are displayed is specialized - basic preparation. 60 athletes age of 18-19 years which are engaged in bodybuilding for 5 years took part in researches. Research of indicators of a training load of all three groups used by representatives in the course of occupations was conducted by method of definition of an index of a training load in power types to sport. Control of the studied indicators was carried out for 4 months of preparation with an interval in one month. As a result of researches it was established that in the conditions of application of the combined training mode, parameters of an indicator of relative weight of burdening (Wa) and size of loading (Wn) show the most essential dynamics of growth for all 4 months of researches. Thus, use at this stage of preparation of the experimental mode of trainings which cornerstone the principle of "preliminary exhaustion" is, allows to reduce practically by 13% the size of "working" weight of burdenings in general exercises at preservation of rather high intensity of loading that will promote not only increase of growth rates of productivity but also at the same time to reduce level sports to traumatism.

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