

Associative communications immunoreactivity an organism with genetic markers at sportsmen (0.49 Mb, pdf) Read
Сафарова Дильбар Джамаловна
Ядгаров Бохадир Жуматович

Identification of genetic markers allows to predict in sports not only predisposition to display of certain physical qualities, but also individual predisposition to performance of physical activities. In work associative interrelations between such genetic markers as a phenotype acitileytion with system HLA antigenes are investigated. Distribution of antigenes of system HLA in groups of the sportsmen having slow and fast acitileytion the status has shown, that there are authentic distinctions on loci В5 and В18. Antigene HLA - В5 was a marker "slow" acitileytion and it was not found out in group "fast" acitileytion. Locus В18: it was mainly found out at fast acitileytion and did not meet in group low level acitileytion. High level immunologic reactance and production of specific antibodies observed at sportsmen of-carriers in a phenotype antigene HLA-ВИ; Low level of immune reaction and титра specific antibodies is revealed at presence in a phenotype of antigenes HLA-B5 and HLA^35.

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