

Occupations by physical culture as the factor of overcoming of asocial deviations in behaviour of teenagers (0.51 Mb, pdf) Read
Borisenkova Ekaterina Sergeevna
Найн Альберт Яковлевич

The aim of the research consists in studying of influence of occupations by physical culture by penetration of its educational measures into all spheres of activity of the teacher-trainer and the trained person for process of prevention of asocial deviations in behavior of teenagers. Influence of occupations by physical culture on process of social formation of the identity of the teenager with signs of asocial behavior, active self-improvement of individual, personal qualities and the motive sphere is considered. Eficiency of the educational and training occupations and sporting events imposing serious requirements to the identity of the teenager, and thus neutralizing asocial deviations in their behavior is confirmed.

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