The panel research is a topic of considerable interest for the theory of physical education and sport, as a kind of longitudinal research carried out for the same pool of test subjects employing the single method with certain time intervals. This research provides more objective and comprehensive overview of trends in studied indicators.
The aim of research: to reveal the effect of long-term physical exercise intervention on trends in the indicators of spatial, force and temporal movement parameter control in adult and elderly women.
Organization and methods. We carried out panel studies within a recreational group for women at Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, in November 2011 and 2019. The same pool of participants assigned to two age groups took part in the educational experiment. The first group was women aged 50.9 years (adults), the second group – women aged 66.8 years (elderly).
We used the following research methods: study and analysis of scientific and practical literature, kinematometry, dynamometry, chronometry, mathematical statistics.
Research outcomes: The findings related to the trends in differentiation accuracy indicators of spatial, force and temporal movement parameters in adult and elderly women in the framework of an eight-year panel study demonstrate insignificant and invalid changes of studied indicators. At the same time, a wide spread of individual indicators occurs in both age groups. It reflects the mixed impact of involution processes on the individual abilities to control various movement characteristics, especially common for women over 66.8 years of age.
Conclusions. The research revealed that long-term physical exercise intervention comprehensively influencing on motor abilities of adult and elderly women enable maintenance of the ability to control various movement parameters on a certain level, in spite of some controversial changes.
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