Current research in psychology and psychophysiology focuses on the subject of anticipation and forecasting. Anticipatory sustainability is a personal trait that determines the ability to anticipate events and possible ways of personal development, as well as the ability to prevent interpersonal conflicts. The aim of the study was to identify the role of development level of anticipatory competence of coaches in their professional competence evaluation and perception by athletes.
Research methods and organization. The research involved two groups of test subjects. The experimental group consisted of sport dance coaches and their students. The control group brought together experts in socionomic area with different work experience. We used testing and questionnaire methods to achieve the goal and objectives of the study. Testing method included the test for diagnosing anticipatory sustainability according to A. Mendelevich and the test of socio-perceptual coaching evaluation by athletes. We used the results of testing and questionnaires to provide a comparative and correlation analysis of data.
Research results. The analysis of test results revealed the impact of work experience on the development of both spatial and temporal characteristics of the anticipation of coaches, indicating a possible effect on the intensity and direction of development of those characteristics in specific conditions. We have identified valid connections between the gnostic parameter (professional competence evaluation) of the socio-perceptual coaching evaluation by athletes and spatiotemporal characteristics of coaches' anticipation, defined as professionally important qualities of coaches. Moreover, we have demonstrated a weak direct relationship between the personality-situational component of the anticipatory sustainability of coaches and the emotional parameter of their socio-perceptual evaluation by athletes, indicating a significant role of communicative-anticipation sustainability in the development of an attitude of athletes to the coach.
Conclusion. In summary, we can conclude that the anticipatory sustainability of coaches plays a key role in the structure of their competence, and the development of this property is possible under certain conditions.
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