

Vasiljev Radivoj Milovanovich
Hubbatullina Aida Raushanovna
Povelkin Igor' Vilenovich
Yakupov Radik Al'bertovich
Vasiljevа Irina Aleksandrovna

Purpose – Analysis of the matches in the World Cup 2018 of the leading teams, among men and women, with regard to occurrence of penalty corners.

Methods. The following research methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific-methodical and special literature, video analysis, and mathematical statistics.

Results. The study included a video analysis of 36 women’s matches and 36 men’s matches of the 2018 World Cup with regard to occurrence of penalty corners. We recorded parameters such as shooting type, shooting time, shooting accuracy, ball receiving, and the moment of realization.

The study determined the effectiveness of penalty corners for men's and women's teams. It has demonstrated that the speed of the ball shooting when performing a penalty corner is significantly different for women and men. In men's teams, there is only one type of a penalty corner - from a static position. Women's teams have a large proportion of penalty corners from a static position, but there are also mobile shots and sweeping shots.

Conclusion. The analysis of matches of the World Cup 2018 of women’s and men’s leading teams with regard to occurrence of penalty corners has revealed that the effectiveness of a penalty corner for the strongest men’s teams is 23.6%, for women’s teams - 17.8%. Men's teams serve mainly from a static position, while women's teams use 3 types of shots. The factor analysis based on the values of factor weights enabled explanation of tournament tables and creation of a pattern of the winner's team according to the results of penalty corners.

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