Aim of the research: to study the structure of competencies of journalism students in the Republic of Armenia. Research methods and organization. We used the following methods in our research: study and analysis of scientific literature, sociological survey, and mathematical statistics. Four groups of respondents took part in the sociological survey: over 100 undergraduate and graduate journalism students, 20 journalism lecturers in 6 leading universities of Armenia, including the Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport. The survey involved 20 journalists from various including major TV channels «Armenian Public Television»,
«Armenia TV», «Kentron» and «Erkir media». The overwhelming majority of respondents were women – 120 people. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, we identified the following groups of competencies in the model of journalism education: theoretical, practical, personal, and interpersonal groups including specific components.
Research results. The research revealed that practical competencies (46%) play a crucial role in the structure of practical competencies essential for journalism students. Theoretical (30%) and personal competencies (14%)
take second place. According to the respondents, interpersonal competencies are the least significant for the professional activity of a journalist (10%). We studied the opinion of respondents on the significance of spe- cific skills and abilities for journalism students. Journalism educators and current journalists shared certain insights into the issue of theoretical competencies. It is particularly interesting that all three groups of respond- ents had the same opinion on interpersonal competencies.
Conclusion. The analysis of survey results revealed the hierarchy of competency groups of journalism stu- dents, and the range of specific skills abilities contributing to effective professional activities. However, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the future professional activity of journalism students in sport universities when building specific capacities and skills.
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