The purpose of the study is to analyze evolution of the system approach as the fundamental methodological area of modern scientific knowledge and to discover the practical experience of physical education and sport experts. We studied the experience of implementation of the system approach principle in physical culture and sport activities aimed at the improvement of indicators of human physical wellbeing.
Research methods and organization. Theoretical and methodological research background is based on the gener- al philosophical, general and individual levels of scientific knowledge. The paper contains outcomes of the study of theoretical and empirical system concepts, and it contains an overview of major educational technologies.
Research results and discussion. Introduction of the system approach to scientific concepts affected various scientific areas. Objectification of a person as a complex functional system has a number of essential outcomes. We are able to obtain more reliable information about its functioning mechanisms, to identify and systematize external and internal relationships, to determine and assess body characteristics and properties.
Conclusion. We can affirm that the comprehensive approach of experts to the issue of human rehabilitation and physical excellence shows its effectiveness, and the differentiation and integration of scientific knowledge enhance the expansion of the range of activities that contribute to the effective solution of applied problems in the field of physical education and sports.
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