

Kalmanovich Vladimir Lvovich
Bitsheva Irina Gennadevna

The aim of the research is to assess the development trends of the modern Olympic movement, to search for new vectors of development and enhancement of the Olympic movement.

Methods and organization of the study: In our study, we used analysis of scientific and instructional literature, statistical methods, method of expert assessment, legal analysis. We used data from open sources on the re- search subject, official statistics, analysis of statutory documents of specialized organizations, content analysis of official websites, legal documents.

Results of the research. We revealed and substantiated development trends of the modern Olympic movement, the problems related to hosting the Olympic Games, growing contradictions in the activities of international sport organizations. Analysis of the development trends of the Olympic movement in the 21st century and the latest decisions of the International Olympic Committee revealed certain problematic moments in the organization of these Games.

We proposed a new model of the modern Olympic Games aimed to overcome the problems and contradic- tions of the Olympic movement.

Conclusion. A number of contradictions and problems that need to be resolved characterizes modern devel- opment stage of the Olympic movement. These problems include gigantism of the Olympic Games, subjectiv-

ity of the Games at sport competitions, sport security, doping falsification of sport results, etc. The proposed organizational model for the Olympic Games in the form of a prolonged competition during the Olympic year can help to overcome existing contradictions.

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