The purpose of the study is to indicate the phase composition of the 180-degree kick; to reveal the average temporal characteristics of each kick phase; to evaluate the angular values of main joints of the human body during the kick execution; and to calculate the average kinematic characteristics of the 180-degree kick.
Research methods and organization. In July 2019, we studied biomechanics of the 180-degree kick. The experi- ment brought together 15 athletes of St. Petersburg national taekwondo team. The athletes had the following physical fitness levels: three Masters of Sports, international class, eight Masters of Sports, four candidates for Master of Sports (according to Russian unified sports classification system). We created 3D models of the 180-degree kick using modern Motion capture and modeling techniques.
Research results. The study revealed the phase composition of the motor action and identified temporal pa- rameters and angular values of joints of the human body at each phase of the kick.
Conclusion. The authors consider the described kinematic characteristics to be essential for efficient develop- ment of the methodology for executing the 180-degree kick.
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