

Plasticity of the central nervous system in sports (0.3 Mb, pdf) Read
Пухов Александр Михайлович
Иванов Сергей Михайлович
Моисеев Сергей Александрович
Михайлова Екатерина Алексеевна
Городничев Руслан Михайлович

Presents a series of studies have been devoted to the study of Central and peripheral nervous system plasticity in individuals adapted to the execution of precise movements of the upper limbs. The experimental group included basketball players (n=6). The control group of people leading an active way of life not associated with accuracy or difficult coordinating motional actions of the upper limbs (n=9). The identification of plasticity of the central nervous system was carried out by studying the excitability of the proximal and distal muscles of the right hand at rest in the transcranial magnetic stimulation, electromagnetic and transcutaneous electric spinal cord stimulation.

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  11. Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 16-34-01250