

Modeling of nociceptive flexor reflex on the basis of artificial neuron networks (0.59 Mb, pdf) Read
Yakupov Radik Al'bertovich
Якупова Аида Альбертовна

Polysynaptic reflexes, including the nociceptive flexor reflex, are the motor responses of the body to nociceptive stimuli. They are used in electrophysiology to study the state of the nervous system in case of pain syndromes, myofascial disorders, assessment of the condition of athletes. However, the principles of interpreting the parameters of polysynaptic reflexes need to be clarified. A computer model of the nociceptive flexor reflex was developed on the basis of the technology of artificial neural networks. It has been established that latency and duration of polysynaptic reflexes are determined primarily by the function of excitability of interneurons and motoneurons involved in the implementation of the reflex response.

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