

Technique of individual and group development of special endurance of junior judokas (0.44 Mb, pdf) Read
Зебзеев Владимир Викторович
Zekrin Fanavi Khaibrakhmanovich
Зданович Ольга Сергеевна

The research objective consists in increase of efficiency of individual and group development of special endurance of junior judokas. Questions of application of a method of variability of a warm rhythm for diagnostics, control and forecasting of level of special endurance and a functional condition of judoists juniors are considered. The pilot study was carried out from December, 2009 to March, 2010. 40 judoists took part in research 17 - 19-year age - athletes of sports club «Judo» of Tchaikovsky, having sports qualification - 1 category, KMS and MS. At carrying out pedagogical experiment examinees were divided into two equivalent groups on 20 people in everyone. Research of special endurance and functional condition of an organism of athletes was carried out throughout all experimental macrocycle of preparation which consisted of 14 microcycles. Main goal of an experimental macrocycle was preparation for performance on junior championship of Russia in the judo which terms of carrying out fell on the 14th microcycle of preparation. The analysis of the indicators characterizing special endurance and functional condition of an organism of athletes of control and experimental groups showed that judoists of experimental group during use of an experimental technique showed more good results in all tests, than athletes of control group.

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