

Development features of sport motivation with regard to the sport professional skill of swimmers (0.35 Mb, pdf) Read
Drandrov Gerold Leonidovich

The article gives the results of experimental researches of sport motivation index and self-consciousness and their interrelations in mass categories sportsmen and high qualification sportsmen. It is established that the high-skilled sportsmen differ from athletes of second and third categories with a high level of success motive development, civil and Patriotic motive, social self assertion motive, competitive motivation, dedication and persistence. There is coherence in the level of the success motive development, civil and Patriotic motive, firmness of purpose and competitive motivation, there is a positive correlation of emotional pleasure motive and the success motive with indicators of training motivation and negative correlation indicators of competitive motivation and the social self-assertion motive with the indicators of training motivation. They differ in selfconfidence, high self esteem; they are satisfied with their real «I» and perceive themselves as a source, as a reason of their behavior and activities. These types of relationships to the image of «I» are agree between themselves with a high level of reflected self attitude and low level of internal conflict. It is revealed that the indicators of sport motivation and self-awareness among the athletes of second and third categories appear relatively independently from each other. For the high qualification sportsmen is typical a significant influence of consciousness development level on the sport motivation development degree.

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