

Solution of the problem of motion activity deficit of students by use of addititonal physical trainings (0.33 Mb, pdf) Read
Gorelov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Румба Ольга Геннадьевна
Кулешова Мария Владимировна

The reasons of motion activity deficit of students and the current status of the matter are analyzed in the article. The physiological impact of hypodynamia on a young human body and the connected risks are discovered. As a perspective solution of the problem the possibility of inclusion of everyday additional classes of PE into the educational space is considered. The choice of the following forms of PE classes as: PT pauses, motivity training and independent physical training of the students is justified. Two techniques of the author: a technique of minor forms of physical training and a technique of physical self-training for students are devised. Both techniques are aimed at students with cardiorespiratory system disabilities because they are most subject to negative effect of motion activity lack. The efficiency of the devised techniques is proved by means of pedagogical experiments.

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