

Boldov Alexander Sergeevich
Ilkevich Konstantin Borisovich
Karpov Vladimir Yur'yevich
Gusev Alexey Vitalievich

The purpose of the study is to reveal the reasons for the lack of motivation to attend academic physical education classes as part of the schedule experienced by Creative Arts students.

Methods and organization of the research. The study was carried out at Gzhel State University (GSU). The research involved students (N = 49) studying "Folk Art Culture", "Arts and Crafts", and "Design" degree programs. The questionnaire included 30 statements (psychological, social and biomedical groups of reasons), the ranking of responses was based on a 5-point scale of influence degrees: 1 – very low degree; 2 – low degree; 3 – medium degree; 4 – high degree; 5 – very high degree.

Results and discussion. The research revealed that the group of social reasons had the highest degree of influence on the lack of motivation for physical and sports activities experienced by Creative Arts students. The study revealed the absence of acceptable social conditions for the maintenance of physical and sports activities, as well as the insufficient competence of PE teachers. The study revealed a lower degree of influence in the group of psychological reasons, where it focuses on the content of mentoring programs that does not meet students’ interests and the monotony of classes. The group of biomedical reasons demonstrated the lowest degree of influence. The only statement was the lack of conditions for hygienic procedures after PE classes.

Conclusion. Creative Arts students may not attend PE classes due to inappropriate social conditions for comfortable living and sports activities at GSU. Consequently, organizers and participants of the educational process have to draw attention to the development of sport and academic infrastructure, provision of sport equipment, regular advanced training for educators in accordance with modern requirements of the Federal Education Standard, and the obligatory consideration of students’ personal interests and individual characteristics.

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