

Pyanzin Andrey Ivanovich
Pyanzina Nadezhda Nikolayevna

The composition of routines used in the training process of qualified powerlifters is still determined in accordance with the experience and intuition of a coach, rather than with a deep metrological assessment of the key parameters of movements.

The purpose: to determine the compliance of bench press types with the powerlifting competitive exercise in accordance with the dynamic characteristics of movements and to reveal their hierarchical dependencies.

Methods and organization of the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the research subject, accelerometry, methods of mathematical statistics. The experimental site of the research is the “Children's and Youth Sports School named after the Olympic champion V.S. Sokolov", Cheboksary. Testing was performed in December 2019. The group of experimental subjects included 7 athletes with qualifications from the 1st category to the Master of Sports. Metrological assessment covered 8 variants of training and competition bench press. The total number of measurements was 78.

Results and discussion. Bench press tests revealed the following levels of compliance: maximum (wide grip press, spring-loaded press and narrow grip press), high (press with chains, press without bridging and standing press), medium (face down on incline bench).

Conclusion. The comparative analysis revealed routines with different compliance with the competitive exercise. The determination of priority of routines will provide evidence-based approach to the selection of routines for tackling the issues of bench press training among qualified powerlifters.

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