

Krylova Alevtina Vasilievna
Sitdikov Farit Gabdulkhakovich
Anikina Tatiana Andreevna
Zverev Alexey Anatolyevich

Response of sympathoadrenal system is the essential component of the mechanisms enhancing adaptation of a body to physical load. Activation of sympathoadrenal system is followed by mobilization of its reserve capabilities, and it creates good prerequisites for stable and long-term functioning. Aim – study of adaptive response of sympathoadrenal system of boys aged 11-16 to a dosed physical load. Materials and methods. Response of sympathoadrenal system of boys aged 11–16 to a dosed cycle ergometer load (50% of PWC170) was determined by excretion of adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine and DOPA in portioned urine. Study results and discussion. It was determined that the proposed functional test caused an increased excretion of adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine and DOPA for boys of all age groups. Adrenaline excretion increases significantly at the age of 11 - 13 and decreases in subsequent age groups. Boys aged 14 turned out to have the highest excretion of norepinephrine. Response of urgent adaptation of adolescents aged 13 - 14 passes without sufficient replenishment of the reserve capabilities of sympathoadrenal system, which is confirmed by the minimal shifts in excretion of dopamine and DOPA for these age groups. Conclusion. The study resulted in revealing decrease in the reactivity of sympatho-adrenal system and a less evident shift in the excretion of adrenaline and norepinephrine for adolescents aged 15-16. This suggests that the response of sympathoadrenal system to the functional test has an economical nature. There is a significant increase in the growth of dopamine and DOPA excretion, which reflects the high reserve capacity of the analyzed system of boys aged 15-16.

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