

Stetsenko Natalya Victorovna
Shirobakina Elena Aleksandrovna

The aim is to study research papers with a view to explore the status of the issue of digitalization process of training specialists for the field of physical education and sports. Methods. Theoretical analysis and synthesis of research papers’ data. Results. The authors explored a new level of information technologies development in modern society, which is associated with rapid Internet expansion, increasing number of devices and occurrence of the “virtual world” phenomenon. This process is called digitalization. This new reality has become the main way of communicating, receiving and transmitting information for young people. We can note the influence of digitalization on all spheres of human activity, including modernization of physical education and sport sphere. The field of physical education and sport has a complex structure that includes several areas of activity: training and competition, management in sports, the Olympic movement and professional training of specialists. Each of these areas of physical education and sport sphere has its own peculiarities in the implementation of digital technologies. At the moment the digitalization process is passing different stages of development and application in each of the above mentioned areas. We have carried out the analysis of issues of transition to the digital format of the process of professional training of specialists for the sphere of physical education and sport. For this purpose, we have studied the views of specialists on the process of digital technologies introducing into the educational environment of higher educational institutions in the framework of the "Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation" project. We have summarized the experience of higher educational institutions considering organization of training specialists in digitalization conditions and the status of this issue in higher educational institutions of physical education. The priority areas were identified that contribute to the creation of digital educational environment in higher educational institutions. Conclusion. The digital format opens up new opportunities of for professional training of specialists. We have distinguished distance educational technologies being actively used at the moment and “cloud” training, as one of the perspective areas of digitalization of professional training of specialists. We have determined the problems connected with digitalization of education in Russia, including those in the system of training and retraining of sports-oriented human resources.

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