

Frizen Oksana Ivanovna
Korolkov Alexey Nikolaevich
Mikhailov Nikolay Georgievich

The aim is refinement of kinesthetic images of sport actions of young mini-golfers in order to improve performance and game stability. Materials and methods. The survey involved 12 young athletes aged 12 to 16 having mass sport titles (II adult title – Candidate for Master of Sport), members and candidates for the national mini-golf team. The initial speed of the rolling balls was measured with a device both on real mini-golf courses of Eternit standard and in sport halls with cameras. The audio-video recording with a digital camera supported real games on each hole. The outcomes of 37512 measurements were statistically processed using Stadia 8.0 and Microsoft Excel 2007. The hypotheses of differences between sample means and variances were tested at the level of statistical significance p=0.05. The audio recordings of the ball rolling were analyzed with the Spectroid program (developed by CarlReinke), freely available in the Internet. Results. Comparison of the initial speeds of the ball during simulations and in the real game made it possible to assess the accuracy of a kinesthetic image of the game on individual holes for every single player. We have determined that athletes with rich competitive and playing experience demonstrate higher accuracy of a mental image of game actions than beginners do. The stability of reproduction of initial speed of a ball varies for different types of obstacles. On that basis, it may be estimated that the images of initial speed of a ball depend on the types of obstacles. The stability of initial speed performance significantly increases when using a golf club movement limiter. We have revealed the dependence of accuracy of defining game actions aurally from materials, resilience and "softness" of balls, and the impact of exacerbation of auditory sensations of gaming actions on game results. Conclusion. Analysis of dependence of the images of initial speed of a ball from the types of obstacles makes it possible to specify training tasks to increase stability of the game on individual holes. Performing exercises focused on enhancement of perception of the sounds of game actions, in combination with other training effects aimed at kinesthesia development, contribute to the improvement of performance on individual holes.

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