

Bessolov Alik Timofeevich

The purpose of research – experimental support of preliminary preparation of boys and girls aged 6 to 7 for football training in Youth Sport Schools. Research methods and organization. The research involved boys and girls aged 6 to 10 showing interest in playing football (n=23). We have created a program for preliminary preparation including development of motor skills of young football players and their physical fitness refinement. The program consists of 7 blocks and contains short exercises aimed at enhancement of agility and speed-strength abilities as well as football elements. Results and discussion. Outcomes of experimental activities demonstrate that the implementation of elaborated methods promotes growing interest for football, refinement of physical qualities which are essential for motor skills development and for mastering of playing actions. Conclusion. A pedagogical experiment has resulted in getting selected tools for preparation of boys and girls aged 6 to 7 which facilitate mastering of techniques available for them. They have served as the platform for methodic support of preliminary joint preparation and elaboration of authorial program.

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