

Zebzeyev Vladimir Viktorovich

The aim of the research was to study the morpho-functional characteristics of Nordic combined skiers belonging to different types of competitive fitness. Materials and methods. 45 athletes aged 17 to 19 belonging to different types of competitive fitness were observed. In order to determine the differences in morpho-functional indicators of Nordic combined skiers belonging to predominantly all-round, jumping and racing types we used a morphological BodyScaner scanner, a professional InBody 720 body composition analyzer, "Omega-C2" system, "NS-Psychotest" system, the Ruffier test and the Genchi’s test, indirect determination of the maximal oxygen consumption as well as the analysis of competitive protocols. Results and discussion. The article reveals feasibility of consideration of morpho-functional parameters in the differentiation of Nordic combined skiers, depending on their typological characteristics. Examination of Nordic combined skiers belonging to different types of competitive fitness showed accurate distinctions of anthropometric indices, body composition indicators, as well as parameters limiting the functionality of athletes’ bodies. Conclusion. The obtained data explain propensity of Nordic combined skiers belonging mostly to jumping type for domination in ski jumping, those belonging mostly to racing type – in cross-country skiing, those belonging mostly to all-round type – in competition finals.

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