

Technology of training construction in summer pentathlon of polyathlon at the stage of maximum achievements realization (0.31 Mb, pdf) Read
Gilmutdinov Tarikh Safeevich
Kozlov Vadim Avenirovich

The result of years of training is to achieve maximum results in major competitions. This work is devoted to building workout at the implementation stage, individual maximum achievement. How properly constructed training at this stage depends on the end result of the athlete. The modern system of training includes the development of model characteristics of competitive activity, the achievement of which is oriented athlete. It should be noted that the model characteristics of competitive activity are subjected to an update in connection with the growth of sports achievements. The most important determine the level of model performance in all-around sports, which include modern polyathlon. For long-term teaching experiment developed proper norms of physical development, physical fitness and physiological parameters of the body for athletes from 1st class to masters of sport of Russia. The proposed system of sports training in the implementation phase of the maximum achievements that allows you to reveal individual abilities of the athlete through the achievement of proper standards of special physical fitness and physiological parameters of the organism. Implementation of achievements of model characteristics of competitive activity is through impact training in the types of polyathlon to which the athlete is genetically predisposed.

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