

Age problems of adaptation of highly skilled athletes (0.72 Mb, pdf) Read
Pogodina Svetlana Vladimirovna

Qualified athletes within the range of 16-45 years defined age characteristics of regulatory influences of the menstrual cycle on the adaptive functions of the major systems of the body. Empirical base included studies of the physical status and the main adaptation processes – hormonal, metabolic, homeostatic, autonomic nervous regulation of hemodynamic and respiratory functions. Used immunological, biochemical, hematological, rheographic, spirometryс, antropometriс methods, gas analysis of exhaled air, stress testing in terms of the threshold modes of operation. The indicators studied in different periods of the menstrual cycle. The result of the research in the group of athletes 37-45 years is set to fail in hormone levels of the reproductive axis and predominantly anovulatory menstrual cycle. In this age group shows significant changes of morphometric parameters of physical status increase body mass index, reduction of living index and excessive mobility of the thorax relative to the group 16-26 years with ovulatory-menstrual cycle. The sportswomen of 37-45 years in different periods of anovulatory menstrual cycle is defined a relatively narrow range of glucocorticoid reaction and the relatively high activity of nonspecific adaptation processes. The sportswomen in the range of 16-45 years revealed the chronobiological features of the autonomic nervous regulatory influences on cardiac rhythm. Shown autonomic response to the load associated with the strengthening of the Autonomous circuit regulation in athletes 16-26 years with 8-16 day, and the sportswomen of 37-45 years in the period 20-22 days from the onset of menstruation. Chronobiological peculiarities of hemodynamic reactions similar quality of phase changes of the nervous regulatory influences. The interrelation between the nervous regulatory influences of phases of the menstrual cycle and the structure of the fan reaction. The decrease in the intensity of elimination of carbon dioxide accounts for periods of increased parasympathetic activity in athletes 16-26 years are marked with 8-9 day, and the athletes 37-45 years with 20-22 days from the onset of menstruation.

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