

Methods of teaching rotation to skater (0.27 Mb, pdf) Read
Иванова Ксения Семеновна
Волчкова Венера Ильдусовна
Заячук Татьяна Владимировна

This article describes a study conducted at Kazan figure skating school to develop methods of teaching rotations to young skaters. The method consists of teaching rotations on spinner, the study of the theoretical aspects of figure skating spins, figure skaters’ learning the basics of refereeing of rotational elements, a method of sound leading, improvement of spins technique.

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  4. Ivanova, K.S., Volchkova, V.I. Methods of teaching rotation skater. «University sport: the health and prosperity of the nation." / Ivanova, K.S., Volchkova, V.I.// - Volga Region Academy. - Kazan, 23-24.04.2015.