

Features of influesnce of special means of fitness on speed-strength and coordination figures of young football players (3.47 Mb, pdf) Read
Tarabrina Natalya Yurievna
Грабовская Елена Юрьевна
Гетиков Юрий Алексеевич

In the article was explored the influence of special means of fitness on speed-strength and coordination figures of young football players. The study involved 24 sportsmen at the age of 8-9 years, who were on the stage of initial training. All sportsmen engaged in a specially designed fitness program that includes sessions with various fitness equipment. The results of these studies indicate significantly (р<0,01) improvement in running speed of 30 meters and the long jump on 5,1% and 1,9%, respectively, pulling a hang on the crossbar on 20,9 % (р<0,01). Coordination parameters (run 30 meters with the conduct of the ball and ball juggling) changed more significantly (р<0,001) on 30,7 % and 26,6%, respectively. Kick a stationary ball with a running start on the range has changed on 4,10 %. Tools of fitness were explored, the expediency of use them in the transitional and preparatory period of the sports training of youth football players was substantiated.

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