

Fedotova Irina Viktorovna
Tamozhnikova Irina Sergeevna
Babashev Arsen Eduardovich

The relevance of the study is associated with the prospect of using diagnostic and correctional techniques in the system of comprehensive rehabilitation and socialization of children with disabilities. Objective: to explicate predictors of maladjustment of children with mental pathology during adaptive physical education classes. Materials and methods of research. 52 people with disabilities aged 6-12 (29 boys and 23 girls) took part in the study. We used pedagogical technologies based on traditional (trampolines, benches, gymnastic logs of small height) and non-traditional means of influence (BOSU simulators, balancing boards, hammocks for yoga). A special author's questionnaire was developed to explicate the components of the health status of children with disabilities.

Research results and discussion. During the screening, a statistically significant decrease in the frequency of occurrence of the negative adaptation component in the second half of the monitoring was revealed, in comparison with the primary one. The results will provide an opportunity to choose a rehabilitation program that meets the needs of a particular child, and therefore to maximize individualization of the correction process. Conclusion. The author's method of sociological research is an auxiliary controller of the effectiveness of the process of adaptive physical education, which allows making timely adjustments to the content of remedial activities.


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