

Kostikhina Nina Mefodevna
Kolmogorova Natalia Vladimirovna

The purpose of this study is to elaborate a program for development of value orientations for students practicing various sports based on individual preferences in value orientations. Methods and organization of the research. In our research, we used the following methods: analysis and synthesis of data from scientific and methodical literature, survey (questioning), testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results and discussion. Results of the research on studying value orientations of students practicing different sports (volleyball, sport orienteering, fencing, biathlon) are presented in this article. It was determined that volleyball players consider their main value to be recognized and respected by other people and to exert influence on others, and individuals practicing orienteering, fencing and biathlon focus on helping other people and compassion. We have studied motivation for practicing physical education and sports. Thus students, first of all, want to achieve high sports results, to improve health, to strengthen will power and other qualities. We have elaborated the program of development of value orientations for students practicing various sports, based on the results obtained. Program content is presented as the cycle consisting of 20 classes delivered in various forms. Average duration of each class – 20-25 minutes. The aim of the program is development of value orientations of students practicing various sports. We offered the following activities for students: exercises, talks, discussions, tours, meetings, watching and discussion of film extracts, subject exhibitions, discussion of artistic works, labor actions, collective creative affairs, camping, competitions, meetings with interesting people and outstanding athletes. Work methods: organization of activity of the audience; daily systematic purposeful and free communication; business, friendly, confidential interaction in ordinary and extreme situations. Conclusion. The elaborated program will help coaches to upgrade students’ notion of their own importance; to develop skills and abilities essential for confident behavior and for overcoming obstacles in any activities, in communication; to generate students’ motivation for self-education and self-development.

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