

The adrenaline : noradrenaline and alpha-: beta- adrenoreceptor ratios in the myocardium, and the adrenergic chrono- and inotropic reactions in extreme states and adaptation (0.58 Mb, pdf) Read
Чинкин Абдулахат Сиразетдинович

The data presented support the idea that the adrenaline : noradrenaline ratio in the myocardium has a natural connection with the level of inotropic and chronotropic positive effects mediated through aj - and P2 -adrenoreceptors in the heart respectively. During long-term adaptation to physical workloads aj - adrenergic reactions in the heart increase, and Pj - adrenergic reactions decrease. It causes strengthening of inotropic and weakening of chronotropic components of cardiac reaction in its hyper function. The described changes occur in the opposite direction in extreme states.

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