

Adaptation to the loadings developing local and regional muscular endurance of pupils, pupils of the social and regabilitation center, teenagers of foster families and young athletes during acclimatization (0.32 Mb, pdf) Read
Исаев Александр Петрович
Аминов Альберт Сибагатуллович
Хусаинова Юлия Борисовна
Ненашева Анна Валерьевна
Шепилов Алексей Олегович

Search of new combined technologies of the sports direction resulted authors in need of application of the basic muscular loadings which are carried out in the threshold aerobic ranges (AEP). Need of increase in active muscular weight and balance preservation for power supply by means of the concentrated development of the local and regional muscular endurance (LRME) is shown. In the course oflong-term training of young athletes the system of integrated preparation including cumulative links (Novels, etc., 2013) is proved. The combined use of a contribution of the specified factors is shown by us in monographs (2010-2013) and also the monograph «Local and Regional Muscular Endurance in System of Preparation of Runners and Skiers-racers» prepared in the press. Comparative values of a warm cycle depending on a sport, age, sports and qualification features surveyed (Isaev, etc., 2010) are given. Social and biological adaptation of pupils of the social and rehabilitation center (SRC), revealed teenagers of foster families, pupils of municipal educational institution and young athletes priorities of technologies of sports action (A.VNenashev) applied by us, system work in foster families (A.S.Aminov), among young athletes coachs «Yunika» (A.O.Shepilov), sports school on running sports on endurance (V.B. Yezhov) bring positive results. The Yunikaschool annually prepares 2-3 young athletes in the national teams of the Russian Federation. In three years of 15 runners became masters of the sports, one MSMK. Three skiers represented SUSU and the Russian Federation on superiority of the World. From among pupils of SRTs engaged on our program and involved in its realization, the number of abuses and offenses decreased by 72%. Adaptation in foster families there passed 86% of reception teenagers.

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