

Health level of students as the basis for the design of professional competencies of personnel for the «physical culture and sport» industry (0.44 Mb, pdf) Прочитать
Бикмухаметов Роберт Кабирович
Бикмуллина Аделя Рашитовна
Азизова Ирина Николаевна

In this article we present results of the research on state of health and level of physical fitness of Kazan Federal University students (1-3 years of studies) in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years as well as their involvement into physical-sports activity through passing tests of Russian National GTO Health and Fitness Program. We have concluded that current trend on growing number of students with physical health decrease indicates that it is necessary to train specialists in the field of physical education and sports for work with these students, and to organize physical education classes, following the logic of achieving goals on improving student health. We has made an effort to compare 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education (undergraduate) and 49.03.01 Physical Training (undergraduate) educational standards in terms of competence focused on working with students, who has necessity in health improving.

Список литературы:
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