

Rizvanova Alina Al'firovna
Burtseva Evgeniya Valentinovna

Purpose of the research is to conduct a comparative analysis of football selection criteria in European and Russian clubs.

Materials and methods of the research. Review of publications using GoogleScholar and PubMed databases. The search for studies was carried out online in open electronic databases of journals using the keywords: talent, football, selection in football, selection criteria, football clubs.

Results. The article presents an analysis of the approaches of Russian and foreign authors to determining the criteria for selecting talented children to play football. A comparative analysis of selection programs in European (Barcelona, Bayern, Ajax) and Russian clubs (Lokomotiv, Spartak, CSKA) was carried out.

Conclusion. A comparative analysis of the criteria for selecting talented football players in European and Russian clubs allows us to conclude the following:
1. Many European football clubs, unlike Russian clubs, consider the effect of biological maturity and relative age when selecting.
2. Technical training in European clubs is determined directly by small-sided games (SSG), and in Russian clubs - by the effectiveness of performing individual technical actions.
3. One of the important qualities of young athletes in European clubs is considered to be creative game thinking and an unconventional style of play; in Russian football clubs, when selecting, they also take into account the child’s level of game thinking, but in standard game tactical schemes. 
The performance and success of European football teams on the world stage allows us to state a more advanced system for selecting talented children for football.

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