

Kopylov Konstantin Vasilyevich
Loginova Maria Andreevna

The research purpose is to determine at what age and for what reasons swimmers make a choice in favor of bilateral or unilateral breathing options when swimming the crawl.

Methods and organization of research. To achieve the purpose of the study, the analysis of scientific and methodological literature was carried out, the analysis of video files of swimming competition heats were analyzed. A survey of coaches and athletes was conducted. Statistical data were processed in the SPSS Statistics 23.0 program.

The research results and their discussion. It was found that the majority of swimmers (86.4%) at the stage of initial training learn bilateral breathing in the front crawl. However, during the training activity, the majority of athletes (72%) change the technique to the unilateral version. The average age for changing breathing technique occurs in the age range of 12-13 years (men – 12.5 years [CI: 11.1-13.8 years], women – 12.8 years [CI: 10.9-14.0 years]). The advantages of unilateral breathing from the point of view of athletes and coaches include simplified coordination of movements, the ability to breathe more often, an increase in stroke power and length. The disadvantages were: an asymmetrical load on the muscles, difficulty tracking opponents along the course of the race, reduced stroke efficiency and swimming speed. An analysis of the scientific literature has shown that unilateral breathing leads to an asymmetrical load on the muscles of the arms and torso, which can lead to posture disorders. The authors point out that female representatives are more susceptible to scoliosis. It is necessary to develop strategies for correcting the posture of competitive swimmers, taking into account age characteristics, gender, specialization, volume and intensity of training load.

Conclusion. The results obtained revealed the average age of change in breathing technique in the front crawl method in boys and girls. A number of advantages and disadvantages of the unilateral breathing in the front crawl method were identified.

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