

Obletsova Tatyana Aleksandrovna
Kuz'mina Natal'ya Alekseevna

The purpose of the research is to compare and analyze the indicators of the total electrical activity of skeletal muscles in young basketball players who trained according to the traditional program and the methodology for the development of coordination abilities, including physical exercises that affect the activity of skeletal muscles of the lumbo-pelvic complex. The differences between the obtained results of physical and technical fitness tests in the compared groups were revealed.

Methods and organization of the research. The study involved 24 basketball players aged 13-14 years old, with experience of sports activity from 5 to 6 years. The effectiveness of the use of physical exercises affecting the muscles of the lumbo-pelvic complex was evaluated according to the results of stereotypical tests on the coordination ladder and with static postures. The analysis of the registered skeletal muscles' electrical activity (EMG) was provided by the calculation of its average amplitude. The total EMG electroactivity amplitude was also calculated, which was the sum of the average values of the EMG amplitude of all the studied muscles. The statistical significance of the differences was established by using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Post-Hoc analysis according to the Newman-Keuls method of the STATISTICA 10 software package.

Results and discussion. In the experimental group, under the physical exercises influence, affecting the activity of the skeletal muscles of the lumbo-pelvic complex, there were significant differences compared to the control group. Total electrical activity amplitude of the studied muscles significantly decreases during performing motor actions on the coordination ladder and during holding poses tests which are similar to sports movements motor structure. The results obtained indicate a smaller amount of developing efforts among young basketball players during test exercises in the experimental group. The control group was characterized only by a tendency to decrease the EMG activity of the studied muscles. Significant changes were also observed when assessing the physical and technical fitness of athletes after the study.

Conclusion. It was established that the use of physical exercises aimed at the formation of rational activity of the muscles of the lumbo-pelvic complex contributes to more economical motor actions.

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