

Features of preparation and participation in competitions of athletes of a sports national team of Russia to defeat of the musculoskeletal device in various track disciplines of athletics (3.34 Mb, pdf) Read
Stepyko Dmitrii Gennadevich

Results of the conducted researches allowed to reveal features and to designate a circle of questions which decision positively will affect improvement of process of training of athletes of a national team of the Russian Federation with defeat of the musculoskeletal device on track disciplines of athletics to the largest national and international competitions.

  1. Stepyko, DG Features provide training for Paralympic athletes in various disciplines of athletics in the four-year cycle of preparation / DG Stepyko //Adaptive physical education. - № 62. -2015.-S.7-9.
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  4. Results of performance of the Russian national team athletes at the Paralympic Games [electronic resource]: Date of treatment: 23.04.2015.-URL: http: // historicalorg / results / historical
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  6. Materials experts SPbNIIFKa reports on the surveys of athletes within the scientific and methodological support of the national teams of Russia (paralympic team in athletics (with the defeat of ODA) / OM Shelkov, IN Voroshin, AA Melnikov, 2009-2012.