

Peculiarities of treatment at local work of muscles at representatives of acyclic sports (0.58 Mb, pdf) Read
Попова Татьяна Владимировна
Корюкалов Юрий Игоревич

We examined 60 students of both sexes engaged in acyclic sports and untrained (15 people per group). We compared the indices of local working capacity of muscles and electroencephalograms in athletes and untrained. The results of the study revealed that under local loads before fatigue on the finger ergograph, the performance and endurance indicators were higher in athletes. On electroencephalograms, athletes in the initial state were predominated by alpha activity, in untrained patients with local work, pronounced activation of beta and theta activity was observed. The increase in the spectral power of slow alpha and theta waves during work, and with the development of fatigue, their depression was more pronounced in untrained individuals. The authors suggested that the relationship between general physical loads and the functional state of individual muscles can be related to central mechanisms. The conclusion is drawn that according to the functional properties of individual muscle groups, one can estimate the level of general physical fitness of the organism.

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