

Specificities of energy metabolism of cerebral cortex neurons depending on the type of vegetative regulation of heart rate in the multi-event athletes of various skill levels (6.48 Mb, pdf) Read
Brook Tatyana Mikhailovna
Терехов Павел Александрович
Litvin Fedor Borisovich
Косорыгина Кристина Юрьевна

The purpose of the research: to investigate the energy metabolism of cerebral cortex neurons depending on the type of vegetative regulation of heart rate in the multi-event athletes of various skill levels. Material and methods. The research encompassed multi-event athletes, with sport qualifications from Master of Sports to Master of Sports, International Class. The indicators were recorded with "Neuroenergokartograph-12" hardware-software complex (Russia). The indicators of constant capacity level (CCP) in the frontal lobe (Fz), central lobe (Cz), right temporal lobe (Td), left temporal lobe (Ts) and occipital lobe (Oz) were recorded. In order to assess the types of vegetative regulation of heart rate we used VARICARD 2.51 apparatus of the RAMENA Institute for Implementation of New Medical Technologies (Ryazan, Russia) enabling registration of conventional time and spectral characteristics. Results. It was revealed that the elite multi-event athletes show lower level of neurons energy metabolism in the investigated areas in comparison with the athletes of mass categories. It means more visible body adaptability to physical activity through reduction of metabolism and oxygen consumption. The article discusses the existence of functional links between energy metabolism level in the cerebral cortex and the type of vegetative regulation of heart rate. The low level of energy metabolism was demonstrated by multi-event athletes with the dominance of autonomous mechanism of heart rate regulation. Along with the increase of skill level positive changes in the regulation mechanisms within every type occurred. Conclusion. The investigation of the energy metabolism of cerebral cortex in conjunction with the typological specificities of vegetative regulation of cardiac rhythm increases the accuracy of the projection of the functional body state of multi-event athletes and its reserve capabilities. The CCP value and the type of regulation make it possible to characterize neurophysiological resistance of the organism to systematic physical activity, which is to a certain extent determined by the ratio of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism.

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