

Ivanov Vitaly Alexandrovich
Manzheley Irina Vladimirovna

The research aims to study and systematize the global experience of extreme sports development in the XX- XXI centuries.

Methods and organization of the research. The research includes theoretical and applied analysis of the gen- esis of extreme sports based on the integration of scientific expertise and experience of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of physical culture and sport management, social psychology and pedagogy; sociology of personality and youth subcultures. The analysis of previous studies, mass media and the online survey contrib- uted to the systematization of extreme sports development models.

Results of the research. The research presents the systematization of the international experience of extreme sports development in the XX-XXI centuries. We identified four models (American, European (Western and Eastern), Asian and Russian), which vary in terms of development, cultivated sports, targets, principles and characteristics.

Conclusion. Summing up the analysis of development of extreme sports in XX-XIX centuries in the world, we came to the conclusion that the level of development of extreme in youth depends to a large extent on geo- graphical position of countries, modern socio-economic conditions in which young population of countries are located; State policy in the field of physical culture and sports; Urban urbanization and urban infrastruc- ture; Social activism of youth and private businesses; The functioning of the media.

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