

Fonarev Dmitrii Vladimirovich
Pogudin Sergei Mikhailovich

Aim of the research – to give theoretical justification for significance of physical fitness and sport orientation in the system of long-term training of sport reserves, and to reveal distribution of elite athletes in Perm region according to their home region and sport environment within their close relatives. Research methods and organization. The analysis was carried out regarding the data on literature about problems of orientation of homegrown athletes. The survey involved 36 athletes aged 18 to 26 who are members of national teams of a region and of the Russian Federation in ski racing, biathlon, various types of athletic running, sport combats. Research results and discussion. Scientific and methodic literature contains contradictions in significance of physical fitness and sport orientation in the system of long-term training of athletes. Physical fitness and sport orientations are not identical, and they do not have the same intentions as they are supposed to have different social functions in organization of physical fitness and sport activity. As a result of a questionnaire survey we revealed the genealogical determination of high sports qualifications among representatives of various types of specialized training which is caused not so much by the conditions of upbringing children in sport families as by favorable hereditary makings of physical potential. Conclusion. Physical fitness and sport orientation stays actual at the first phase of long-term training of children and adolescents. Obviously, those children whose parents have high level of physical health have an advantage in development of physical abilities among their peers in optimal environment for physical refinement, and they evidently need much more sport activities and high results.

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