

Bratkov Kirill Ilich
Stepyko Dmitrii Gennadevich

The purpose of research is prediction of trends in the development of commercial activity of state sport organizations on the basis of analysis of statistical data collected in 2014-2017, and observance of the activity of sport schools, Olympic reserve schools and sport training centers in the Russian Federation. Research methods and organization. The study involved analytical methods, expert assessment method, statistical methods, legal and content analysis. We used data from open sources on the problem of research, official state statistics, analysis of the statutory documents of the organizations being studied, content analysis of official websites, regulatory documents on the organization of extra budgetary activities. In the framework of the study, the features of delivery of services by state organizations providing sport training on a contractual basis were revealed. We have identified major types of such services and the income share received within total revenue of an organization. We have suggested classification depending on legal status of organizations, and in accordance with it we have studied the issues of development of commercial activity considering characteristics of every single type of a sport organization. The results of research and discussion. We have identified and justified those trends reflecting the current state of the structure of commercial activities of state organizations engaged in sport training, legal and economic mechanisms for regulating their extra budgetary activities. The research outcomes can be used for diversification of directions of income-generating activities carried out by both state and private organizations of the sector being studied. The subject for long-term studies is the area of refinement of state statistic forms which can sufficiently reflect the dynamics of refinement of activities performed by organizations engaged in sport reserve training, including the series of objective indicators of income-generating activities of such organizations.

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